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Hits28 Movies
0.0 2023 the republic of korea
science f Fantasy plot adventure supernatu


Actor:Xue Jingqiu Dujiangxiu Jin Ai Zhao Hanzhe Cui Bingmo 

Introduction:In 2029, South Korea's manned spacecraft, the lunar probe, set off for the moon, preparing to become the second country to successfully land on the moon. The mission has attracted worldwide attention. However, the lunar probe unfortunately encountered a sunspot explosionThe solar storm caused by the eruption resulted in a serious accident, and astronaut Huang Shanyu (played by Toshihide) became the only survivor of the lunar exploration mission. In order to rescue Huang Shanyu, who was wandering on the moon, he retired to the Xiaobai Mountain ObservatoryThe former director of manned spacecraft flight, Kim Jae kuo (played by Seok Kyung woo), joined the rescue operation, and the South Korean government also requested the director of NASA, Yoon Moon young (played by Kim Ai), and the moonThe Portal Space Station intervened to assist, but encountered numerous obstacles. The fuel of the manned spacecraft is almost depleted, and the oxygen is also counting down. Coupled with meteor showers and lunar tremors, it is isolated at 384000 kilometersAstronaut Huang Shanyu from the outer moon, a small personal step is enough to make humanity around the world tense and breathless. How will the rescue operation develop?

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