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Hits11 Movies
0.0 2022 Chinese Mainland
Suspense comedy plot ancient c


Actor:Ouyang Zhenhua Shao Yun 

Introduction:In the seventh year of the Chunyou reign of the Song Dynasty, disasters occurred frequently in Linglong Town, Qinzhou. There were rumors among the people that it was the dragon that caused the disaster, and that the boys and girls needed to be thrown into the locked dragon well to feed the dragon in order to enjoy peace. The bad customs of offering sacrifices have lasted for a long time, and I don't know how many innocent children have beenThe child was buried in the dragon's belly, and the cries of Linglong Town were deafening. Those who had young children at home were all in panic. After serving as the chief clerk, the new Jinshi Zhuangyan insisted on entering the Lock Dragon Well to investigate the Jiaolong incident, but unexpectedly was arrested for offending the Dragon KingPrison. Linglong County's undertaker Xiaowan traveled thousands of miles to ask Song Ci, who had already washed his hands in a golden basin, to come out of the mountain and find out the truth in order to save his beloved. There are many doubts in the case, and Song Ci and Xiao Wan teamed up to overcome them. Finally, they were caught in a serious and difficult situationBefore the execution, the truth was discovered and solemnly vindicated, and Xiaowan officially learned from Song Ci's master in the presence of everyone. However, as Linglong Town gradually regained calmness, Song Ci realized that the truth was not as he had imaginedIt's so simple.

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