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Hits18 Movies
0.0 2023 Chinese Mainland
Suspense terror Thrilling Taoist supernatu


Actor:Ge Shuai Zhang Dong Lou Nanguang He Qiwei 

Introduction:In the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, wealthy businessman Ren Laoye died unexpectedly, and there were rumors in the community that Ren Laoye was killed by a 'blood demon'. The deceased Mr. Ren not only mysteriously 'resurrected', but also became known as the 'blood demon' in everyone's mouths, causing deathSeveral lives were lost. Captain Cao of the police station had to invite Taoist Qianhe to surrender the evil. After some practice, even the Qianhe Taoist was powerless. Following the threads of clues, unravel the cocoon, Mao Shan Taoist MaoXiao Fang gradually discovered the truth of the matter, and the mastermind behind the 'Blood Demon Murder' turned out to be Taoist Qianhe. Originally, the disciple of Qianhe Taoist was plagued by a strange disease and needed fresh blood to continue his life. Qianhe Taoist came up with the ideaThis method first killed Lord Ren, and then had his disciples disguise themselves as Lord Ren to create a false image of the resurrection of a blood demon, disrupting the public's hearing and taking advantage of the chaos to kill and obtain blood. Mao Xiaofang and his disciples followed the way and found QianheThe hiding place of the Taoist Priest, after a fierce battle, ultimately subdued the Qianhe Taoist Priest in a life of near death, allowing him to confess his guilt and lay the law

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