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Hits17 Movies
0.0 2020 Chinese Mainland
plot marriage


Actor:Liu Qiancheng 

Introduction:The movie mainly tells the story of a rare money leopard discovered by villagers in a mountainous area during the warlord period of the Republic of China. A group of deserters, in order to please a certain officer of the Fengtian warlord, wanted to catch this money leopard and give it to the officer's auntAs a gift, he grabbed the whole village and threatened them to reveal the leopard's nest. The salesperson Wan Huashan, who returned to the village for the Chinese New Year, stayed at the "black" inn of the beautiful widow Peach Blossom Blossom in the town due to the heavy snow blocking the mountain. By chance, he had toThe deserter who came to buy alcohol met him. While engaging in a clever battle with the beautiful widow Peach Blossom who was plotting for wealth and life, he engaged in a full-scale martial arts battle with the deserter who was buying alcohol. After dealing with them, he learned about the arrest of his fellow villagers. Wanhua MountainWith the help of Peach Blossom, who reformed her ways, she secretly infiltrated the village and first rescued the intelligent and brave village flower Lily; Then the two of them worked together to devise a strategy, leading the deserters into traps and rescuing the entire village from being captured,Protecting the money leopard; Finally, Lily recognized that Wanhua Mountain was the first love mountain child she had set up with, and the lovers eventually became married.

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