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Hits11 Movies
0.0 2018 Chinese Mainland
Wuxia love plot revenge


Actor:Zhuang Xiaotong Yuzhong 

Introduction:During the Jianwen period, the elder of Bu Dong Feng, Zhou Sanjue, instructed Zhou Congyun to steal the martial arts treasure, the Heavenly Seal, and framed it for the Nine Thousand Pavilion of the 'Evil Cult'. Sui Yuanning, the leader of the Nine Thousand Pavilion Sect, is a reckless hero who is in charge of the Nine Thousand Pavilion QianshuZhuo Jue, admires Gu Du and acts independently. At that time, there will be four eerie and sword wielding 'demon maidens' in the martial arts world, three of whom will be the Qin maiden, Poison maiden, and Gu maiden from the Nine Thousand Pavilion, and the last wandering deitySecret, also known as' Luosha Fairy 'Zhou Congyun. During the investigation of the theft of the Qingtian Seal, Sui Yuanning repeatedly engaged in covert struggles with Zhou Congyun, resulting in a perfect match between the two and mutual affection. Zhou Congyun's biological father and Sui YuanDuring the struggle, Ning intervened and saved Sui Yuanning, but was mistakenly killed by Zhou Jue and died in a fragrant and jade state. Zhou Sanjue's painstaking efforts were destroyed in an instant, leading to his downfall and the death of his only daughter. Under multiple blows, he lost his heart and went crazy. WednesdayFrom then on, he disappeared from the martial arts world, and the supreme treasures of the martial arts world, the Heavenly Seal and the Gonggong Sword, returned to their original positions. The Nine Thousand Pavilion finally cleared away its grievances.

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