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本站“团队”其实只有我一个人。很多人都不敢相信,几年前我还在上大学的时候就开始做了,之后一直作为一个业余项目开发维护至今。 能坚持这么多年也是很不容易的,期间遇到的各种困难我都一一克服了。 然而,维持网站的运行需要支出高昂的服务器和带宽费用。 随着访问量的增加,我逐渐难以负担。为了能继续坚持下去,我不得不寻求大家的帮助。感谢所有为本站提供过支持的朋友们! 人人为我,我为人人。本站未来会继续努力让看电影变得简单!




Hits16 Movies
0.0 2018 Chinese Mainland
love comedy youth


Actor:Pan Chunchun Liu Yaoyang Ma Yuze 

Introduction:Zhang Yan University has been secretly in love with her homeroom teacher, Mai Lingchen, for four years. On the occasion of graduation, I confessed to Mai Lingchen. Unexpectedly, Mai Lingchen already had a boyfriend and was about to get married. Zhang Yan was very sad, but he met a strange old man on the beach,I gave him a pocket watch, but to his surprise, it was not a simple pocket watch, but a time watch that could take Zhang Yan back to the past. One day, Zhang Yan learned that Mai Lingchen and his boyfriend had met due to a robbery four years agoSo he activated his time table and went back to the past, encountering and rescuing Ling Chen three or four times by chance. Finally, he rescued Mai Lingchen and fell in love with her. The two of them began their four-year college journey together. Unfortunately, Mai Lingchen's oldUnexpectedly, her boyfriend also entered the campus as a training director due to the time effect, and whether the two of them who had previously been engaged would fall in love again. Zhang Yan was very afraid of this fate happening again, so he actively tried every means to prevent itTheir encounter also prevented them from falling in love again, but fate is fate, and in the end, each person lives their own lives.

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