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Hits35 Movies
0.0 2019 Chinese Mainland
action comedy adventure


Actor:Zhu Xiaopeng Zhu Xiaopeng 

Introduction:This film tells the story of two couples, You Kong and Luo Jing, who lived in the 21st century and came to the Song Dynasty by chance. Due to their appearance, history deviated from its original trajectory. Only by finding five gemstones can time and space be restoredReturn to normal. In the Battle of Yanmen Pass, Yang Liulang suffered injuries and his appearance was completely destroyed. After being rescued by You Kong, Yang Liulang found that this person looked quite similar to himself. In order to confront Pan Renmei, Yang Liulang begged You Kong to pretend to be himself. You and Luo spent their days together with Yang Liulang and Chai Meirong, creating bonds and determined to help Liulang. You Kong designed to lure Pan Renmei into the game, but unexpectedly, this plan was exposed by Pan Renmei and he joined Pan Renmei's entire set.During the process of evading the pursuers, Yang Liulang sacrificed himself to protect everyone. You Kong, who had escaped the pursuit of troops, was inspired by the patriotic sentiment of Liu Lang and led a group of righteous soldiers to attack Bianliang. He also borrowed the help of the general's army to Huyan PixianZhili defeated Pan Renmei and found five gemstones. History is still the original history!

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