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Hits6 Movies
0.0 2019 Chinese Mainland
Suspense plot Thrilling friendshi


Actor:Hao Yuan Fan Jintao 

Introduction:This film tells the story of a person's inner desire reaching its peak and reaping its fruits. The female protagonist Ruomei is the only daughter of a wealthy family and is naturally capricious. She took care of her nanny since childhood and took care of herselfMy daughter Xiaoying has been working in this family for decades. Xiaoying grew up in such an environment, even though her mother loved her very much, she still felt psychologically imbalanced and didn't understand why she couldn't live with Ruomeilife. Ruomei fell out with her parents due to her love affair with Chengzhi, and her emotions became uncontrollable, resulting in a car accident and the death of both parents. Unexpectedly, her wealth and lover had already been coveted by Xiaoying, and then Ruomei began to encounter challengesTwo in three accidents. Xiaoying believes that under such an opportunity, she can make Ruomei's life her own. With the help of a plastic surgeon, this greedy girl transformed into the image of a wealthy woman named Rumei and wanted toDo everything possible to seize everything from Ruomei, hoping to occupy the magpie's nest. Just as she thought she had succeeded, she also began to suffer the consequences on her own.

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