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Hits21 Movies
0.0 2018 Chinese Mainland
love comedy Fantasy plot supernatu


Actor:Wen Zhaolun 

Introduction:The film tells a story that takes place in the future. A Western restaurant in a city in Asia has a set of memory concretization devices that can collect people's memories and integrate them into ingredients to make dishes. Diners can communicateRemembering beautiful or unforgettable memories through taste. Nanjingxuan's childhood memories were once stolen, and he often dreamed of terrifying memory fragments. In order to piece together memories, I came to the Western restaurant and chatted with the restaurantThe female boss Luo Xi met and fell in love. But he was inexplicably obstructed by Li Youran, the uncle of Luoxi. Li Youran had long coveted the tangible disguise of memories in the restaurant, but was always regarded as the closest person by Luoxi. Because in the cityA group of amnesiacs emerged, and through police investigation, it was discovered that Li Youran was actually an elder who needed to steal the memories of others. After being exposed, Li Youran went insane and spared no effort to satisfy his desiresHarming Luoxi, Nanjingxuan and the police worked together to protect the safety of Luoxi, bravely confronting Li Youran, and ultimately bringing the villain to justice.

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