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Hits10 Movies
0.0 2018 Chinese Mainland
science f plot Realistic


Actor:Wang Ziteng 

Introduction:There is a planet called Potato Star, and the people on Potato Star are generally similar to those on Earth. Potatoes are the only food, but the annual production is declining. King Potato Leather is very confused, but Potato Star has explored EarthChina's Tudou Island is the highest quality planet for potatoes in the entire universe, but it has yet to establish contact with Earth. A spaceship resembling a golden cup car accidentally landed on Tudou Island. Tudou Star King stepped off the spaceship and was being escorted by the village chiefLan Lan, the wife of the flirting Potato Island Secretary, discovered and arrested him. Lanlan learned the news and hoped that Brother Bao would steal the alien and sell it for a good price, and take him off the island. The village chief called back to record every detail of the aliensTu Peng, the son of a web drama director, returned to the island to shoot a documentary. Liu Tong learned through Brother Bao that aliens had mistakenly landed on Tudou Island, and several forces landed on the island together, preparing to deceive and kidnap the aliens. The kind-hearted Liu Tong ultimately relied on himselfWith his wit and bravery, he successfully helped the aliens obtain potatoes and accompanied them to Potato Star.

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