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Hits12 Movies
0.0 2018 Chinese Mainland
Suspense love plot Realistic


Actor:Wu Jingjing Wang Shuaibo 

Introduction:Single parent father Lu Tao and his six-year-old daughter Tang Tang, who suffers from chronic myeloid leukemia, accidentally meet a beautiful girl named Coco who works at a nightclub. Coco left home early to support his younger brother's education and worked hard. He has a cold personality and tends to be close to sugar and sugarDivide by chance. Tang Tang told Coco that her father was a hero, but in reality, Lu Tao only played the role of an undercover agent. Lu Tao and Coco, two people carrying heavy burdens, sympathized with each other and gradually developed feelings of admiration; But due to a misunderstanding,Coco was poked at the pain point of nightclub work, and Lu Tao's heroic persona collapsed in front of his daughter. There is a rift between two people. In order to find medicine for his daughter, Lu Tao accidentally bumped into a counterfeit drug trafficking gang, and the gang leader was none other than recentlyLong Ge, who often harasses Coco; Long Ge controlled Coco's younger brother Xiao Wei as a threat because Coco had evidence of selling fake drugs. During the crisis, Lu Tao and Coco came together again to destroy the counterfeit drug group; Tangtang alsoObtain medical fund assistance.

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